#freshstart 30 days challenge
"New year - new me" or rather "new year - better me"? With our #freshstart challenge we want to help you to become a better you with healthy and new habits.
Because we know that sticking to resolutions is often difficult, we created a 30-day challenge to test your mindset, fitness, health, nutrition, sleep, relationships, and performance and... improve productivity skills.
So that you can make your dreams come true, we give you a daily task in our challenge template from one of the areas of sport, nutrition, social life, mindset or sleep. The only thing you have to do is complete the task, preferably document (and link us) in our Facebook group or on Instagram and thereby grow on a personal and health level.
DO IT: Exclusive content via WhatsApp and in the Facebook group
To make it easier for you to take part, we have started a WhatsApp newsletter and created a Facebook group . We will regularly remind you about the challenge via WhatsApp, motivate you and provide you with exclusive content - e.g. workout videos, recipes, habit tracker, tips etc. - that is not available on any of our social media channels. Registering for the newsletter is quick and easy by clicking on the following link:
The Facebook group is mainly about exchanging ideas with other participants in the challenge. We can motivate each other and share successes. You want to show the others the lunch you just prepared, leave feedback or give someone a compliment? Anything is possible in the Facebook group - you can also share the challenges you are struggling with. To join our Facebook group, you can either click here or join the group “ Löwenanteil Community | Welcome to the pride of lions 🦁 ” via the search bar at. We look forward to you!
EAT IT: Feed the lion in you
A special reward awaits you at the end of the challenge. We hope that this will do you some good and motivate you to work on your better self. Now you only need one thing: motivation and your Löwenanteil of supplies!
Process of the challenge
The challenge can be started at any time; therefore the tasks are not tied to a date, but only numbered.
So that you don't forget the daily task and can tick it off after successful completion, it is best to print out the challenge template. You can download this by clicking on the button.
Day 1-7
Day 1: Write down your goals for the coming weeks and months
There are a few things to consider when setting goals. So that your goals become reality this year and don't remain goals, you should take a look at this blog post. In it, we give you tips and concrete examples for successfully formulating and setting goals.
Day 2: Cook a dish with kale
Did you know that kale is a true superfood and that it is also in season? Cabbage is one of the healthiest winter vegetables and should therefore be eaten regularly. You can read why in this blog post.
To make the task easier for you, we want to give you a recipe with kale:Vegan Kale Lasagna . Feel free to send us a photo of your preparation in the Facebook group or via Instagram and tell us how you liked it.
Day 3: Drink enough water
You cannot survive without water. It is essential for numerous processes in the body and also protects against colds. Drink at least 1.5 liters a day . If you are taller than average, ill and/or active in sports, you should drink at least 2 liters per day, even better 2.5 liters. However, do not use sugary or high-calorie drinks, but really water or unsweetened herbal teas.
So that you don't forget to drink in the future, we have created a water tracker. On this you can tick off every glass of water you have drunk.
Day 4: Do an abdominal workout
Your task today: Do an abdominal workout. All you need is a mat, comfortable clothing and your cell phone or laptop. The video is suitable for all levels and for both women and men.
Day 5: Organize your kitchen
You probably know it: There's a bag of paprika that has been started, there's an open pack of oat flakes and next to and underneath the respective contents. The pantry has to be cleaned regularly and it also looks untidy.
The solution: Use your empty Löwenanteil of glasses as storage glasses and bring order to your kitchen. In this reel we show you how it's done.
Day 6: Respond to unanswered messages
Think about your social contacts. Take your time today consciously and long to answer unanswered messages - no matter how far down the chats are already; there is no such thing as “too late” .
Day 7: Do a workout
On day 7 there is a workout as a daily task. If you do your favorite sport today anyway or train (in a club), that's perfect. If not, do our 20 minute full body workout video.
Day 8-14
Day 8: Track your diet
No matter what goal you're pursuing - whether it's losing, gaining or maintaining weight - your diet should always be balanced. But what actually is a "balanced diet" that achieves the goal without dieting? You can read about that here . So that you know how much you should eat every day to get closer to your goals, you can calculate your daily calorie requirement based on your goal, your physique and your current activity level.
Day 9: Cook a seasonal dish
Do something good for the environment and your health by preparing a seasonal vegetable of your choice. Just look at the season calendar, which you can download here .
You are also welcome to try our Chili Vegano winter vegetable pan with pasta. It keeps you full for a long time, is healthy and tastes delicious.
Day 10: Compliment someone
Whether you know the person or not, give someone a sincere compliment that goes beyond "thank you" or "you look good today."
Day 11: Do at least a 15-minute workout
Today it will be sporty again: do a workout. Franzi will guide you through the leg/butt workout and let the time pass in no time. If you are motivated and still have enough energy, you can do the video twice.
Day 12: Take enough time for your breakfast
Breakfast is an important meal of the day as it gives you energy for work. So don't skip it or gobble it up in a matter of minutes, even though 20 minutes more sleep is very tempting.
Try our protein-rich breakfast recipes (vegan or vegetarian) to start the day full of energy: tofu scrambled eggs or omelette .
Day 13: Complete a task you've been putting off for a long time
It doesn't matter from which area: call people, clean the oven, clear out the muck, start a blog, do sports, donate something.
Day 14: Take time for a meditation
Meditating helps you focus more on the here and now and less on memories or visions of the future. Since every beginning is difficult, also and especially when meditating, we recommend guided meditations via YouTube or podcast providers. Just search for “guided meditation” – you will definitely find it.
Alternatively, you can paint mandalas, draw, or take a warm bath without distractions; These activities also have a meditative and calming effect on you.
Day 15-21
Day 15: Waffle Sunday
Weekends are for long brunches with family and friends. That's why today's challenge is: prepare these delicious waffles for you and your loved ones.
Day 16: Educate yourself in the field of nutrition & health
Read our new blog post about critical nutrients in the vegan diet. Here 's the blog post!
Day 17: Skip industrial sugar today
You probably already know that sugar is not healthy. And that this is contained in a lot of foods that you would not expect it to contain, probably too. Therefore, take a close look at the list of ingredients for all of your food today and avoid anything that has added sugar .
You can read here how you can save sugar in the long term and what you can use instead.
If today's challenge is difficult for you because - like us - you need something sweet after every savory dish, we have a solution for you. With our snack balls you can still satisfy your cravings today, as they are sweetened exclusively with dates and apples.
Day 18: Stretch
Can't remember the last stretch session? Then today is the time to stretch your muscles properly . Check out Franzi's video for this. It guides you step-by-step through the individual positions.
If today's challenge is difficult for you because - like us - you need something sweet after every savory dish, we have a solution for you. With our snack balls you can still satisfy your cravings today, as they are sweetened exclusively with dates and apples.
Day 19: Work on your love for yourself
Self-love is important and should be practiced regularly . Answer the following questions for yourself today:
What do I like about myself?
What am I particularly good at?
What am I proud of?
Day 20: Do a workout
do a workout To save time searching, you can make Franzi's new video.
Day 21: Full day of eating
Eat a balanced and healthy diet throughout the day and pay attention to it. that you are getting all the important nutrients. With the right diet, you can also avoid the well-known midday slump after lunch. Read this blog post to find out how Löwenanteil can help you get the energy you need for the day without falling into an after-meal low.
You can prepare the following 3 dishes today:
Day 22-30
Day 22: Educate yourself
Read a chapter in a textbook or our new blog article “Why the vegan diet makes sense for athletes”.
Day 23: Practice gratitude
We take many things for granted and are rarely grateful (for everyday things). Write down five things today for which you are grateful. If you want, you can share them with us and the others in the Facebook group .
Day 24: Do a workout
If you want to be sporty and fit, you have to do sport and fitness. To make it easier, we have another workout video for you today.
Day 25: Make sure you get enough sleep
Get at least 7 hours of sleep and refrain from using digital devices for at least an hour before bed. These reduce the quality of sleep, which is even more important for health and recovery than the length of sleep.
Did you know that if you don't get enough sleep, you're not only tired, you're also more prone to illness or weight gain? During sleep, body and mind regenerate from all the impressions and exertions of the day. Many essential bodily processes are only set in motion at night to prepare you for the next day full of energy. So the worse the sleep, the less regenerated you are the next day. That's why the motto when you have a cold is: sleep, sleep, sleep.
Day 26: Bring variety into your diet...
...and try a dish you've never eaten before. Let yourself be inspired by our recipe blog.
Day 27: Invite friends over and prepare healthy snacks
There are no game and film evenings without snacks. In order to impress the guests and bring a change to the classic chips, flips and grissini, you can prepare a few unusual and healthy snacks, e.g.:
Day 28: Take a trip into nature...
... and leave your phone at home. Don't be put off by the cold; If you are worried about getting sick, read our article “ Fit through the winter with sport” . In it we explain why sport and exercise outdoors even boost your immune system .
Day 29: Just do what you feel like doing
Leave all obligations behind and do what you feel like doing . Bake something sweet, draw a picture, take a bath, meet up with friends. Feel free to share the things you like to do just for yourself in our Löwenanteil Facebook group .
Day 30: Think about routines you want to develop
On the final day of the challenge, it's time to review the past 29 days. What did you like? What not? What do you want to do more regularly from now on?
Read our new blog post where we explain how to make your new routines your daily business and not neglect them. To make your project easier, you can download our habit tracker. Checking off daily helps you stay on task!
Congratulations if you completed the challenge and reached your first goal for the year. Feel free to share your experience with us or the other participants in the challenge - ideally in the Facebook group . Are you ready for the next challenge?
This article was written by our author Lisa. Her greatest passions are nutrition/health, cooking and sport.